Wednesday, February 10, 2021

TV Industry Blog 3, Question 2 (Feb. 16th)

Which two streaming services offer, or are developing, the best original TV series content? Which streaming services would benefit from creating more original content? Finally, do you think the streamers will eventually replace linear TV or continue to be a complementary/supplemental service for the majority of Americans?  Limit: 11 responses


  1. Nicole Part 1:

    The streaming wars between the multiple platforms is definitely hitting full force as they try to create original content, acquire some of the best series/movies, and try to gain the crown of being at the top. The first streaming platform to create their own original TV series content was Netflix back in 2013. Netflix was and still is an innovated company. They started off as offering unlimited DVD rentals and began streaming content in 2007. Netflix continued to be innovative in 2013, when they introduced an original series, House of Cards, that was going to be exclusively streamed on their service. Due to the importance of this innovation, published an article explaining that since this implementation of an original series on Netflix, “Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+, and other streaming services have made a concerted effort to produce original content in the years since House of Cards debuted…” House of Cards was not the last original series by Netflix to gain popularity. Another original Series that is very popular on Netflix is Orange is the New Black. Since then, Netflix’s original shows “have numbered among the most popular in the country ever since”( The numbers keep getting better and better. Netflix released Bridgerton on Christmas Day in 2020. Netflix reported that Bridgerton was “watched by 82-Million-member households globally in its first 28 days”(Clark). These numbers made Bridgerton, “Netflix’s biggest original series of all time”(Clark). With these numbers, it seems as though Netflix is doing a pretty good job with their original content. What is interesting though is the fact that “Netflix counts a view if an account watches at least two minutes of a show or movie…”(Clark). This metric may make Netflix’s number look better than they actually are. The only positive that comes out of this metric is that it shows how many people were actually taking an interest in the content. This may show Netflix that their advertising is doing a very good job.

    1. Nicole Bruder Part 2:

      From a consumer’s point of view, I hear a lot of talk regarding HBO Max’s original content. The show that caught everyone’s attention is Euphoria. Many people in my age group went out of their way to purchase HBO Max just to access this show in particular. As the platform began to gain more popularity, talk about other shows that can be seen exclusively on the platform began to occur. Another show on the platform that gained a lot of popularity and even received two nominations at the 2021 Golden Globe Awards is The Flight Attendant. In his article for Variety, Joe Otterson, discussed that these nominations show “just how important streaming is to television ecosystem compared to linear television nowadays.” With all of this in mind, I do think as of right now, Netflix and HBO Max have the top original content on their platforms. I made this decision based on word of mouth throughout the day as being a consumer.
      I think that if Netflix and HBO Max continue to create original content, specifically content that no other platform has, they will remain at the top. As for Disney +, even though they put out “original” content such as Star Wars and other movies, this content does not attract a wide age group and only attracts a certain “group of people.” Personally, I would not go out of my way to purchase Disney + just to see the new princess movie they put out. Their “original” content just seems a little too played out right now. Furthermore, I know Hulu does have original content on their platform, but I just do not see it as anything special either. I think they would benefit from producing original content that catches people’s eyes more.
      With all of this, I do not believe that streaming will wipe out linear TV completely or “replace” it. Everything in the world is evolving, but a lot of people like that feeling of nostalgia. In relation to this, the world of music has turned into being more dominant in streaming. This does not mean that people are not still out there buying records or listening to the radio. I do believe that linear TV will always be a thing, but the popularity of it will most likely decrease.

      Works Cited

      Clark, Travis. “Netflix's Top 10 Original TV Show Hits of All Time, Including 'Bridgerton' at No. 1.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 29 Jan. 2021,
      Otterson, Joe. “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up.” Variety, Variety, 4 Feb. 2021,
      “‘House of Cards," Netflix's First Original Series, Starts Streaming.”, A&E Television Networks, 1 Dec. 2020,

  2. Kasey Kerrick
    Recently, streaming services have been in high competition in gaining subscribers. Some have opted to create original content in order to attract more viewers. Besides rates, the type of content a streaming service has is the number one reason subscribers choose a certain platform to subscribe to. With the pandemic and people being home, it can be concluded that more people will be interested in subscribing to streaming services. This means the companies have to be on their A -game when creating new content in order to attract viewers. Some services have been more successful at creating original content than others. In the first 28 days that Netflix released Bridgerton, it was watched by 63 million households (Clark). Netflix continues with high viewer numbers with 64 million watching Tiger King and Stranger Things, 65 million watching La Casa de Papel, and 76 million watching The Witcher (Clark). It’s strategy was ultimately getting people through the door by offering well-known shows like The Office and Friends, and keeps their subscribers by now offering originals (Goldberg). Another successful service is HBO Max. The platform spent millions in order to reunite the cast of Friends in a reunion special, which later got cancelled because of COVID (Goldberg). Because of the popularity of the show, this drew in thousands of viewers to subscribe to HBO Max because for that very reason. HBO Max is also bringing back Sex and the City in a new spinoff called And Just Like That, which will include stars from the original movie (Goldberg). This strategy attracts fans of the popular original shows and gives them an advantage over platforms who are creating shows from scratch. Even though Disney+ is starting to release originals like 10 new Marvel and Star Wars shows (Gemmill), I think they could benefit from releasing more versatile content. Disney+ mainly appeals to action lovers while platforms like Netflix and HBO Max include everything from dramas to comedies to horror. If they create more multifaceted content, they would gain more viewers. Personally, I think streaming services will eventually replace standard TV and cable for a few reasons. It is seen that a typical cable TV package is around $100 a month while a streaming TV package is around $50. Streaming also has greater flexibility in which you can watch on anything from your TV, phone, to laptop (Cable vs. Streaming). Lastly, with the popularity of original shows on streaming services like I mentioned previously, it seems that most people are opting for streaming services over TV already especially this generation. You are also unable to access the original shows through TV while streaming services already carry a variety of well-known classic material. Ultimately, I think streaming services are in high competition in hopes that when traditional TV gets replaced by streaming, people opt for their platform.

    Works Cited:

    Clark, Travis. "How Netflix's 'Bridgerton' Compares to the Streaming Giant's Biggest Original TV Show Hits." Business Insider 5 Jan. 2021,

    Goldberg, Lesley. "Why 'Sex and the City' Is Coming Back (and on HBO Max)." The Hollywood Reporter 13 Jan. 2021,

    Gemmill, Allie. "Disney+ Says 10 New Star Wars Series and 10 New Marvel Shows Are Coming Soon," Collider 10 Dec. 2020,

    “Cable vs. Streaming: Does Cutting the Cord Really Save You Money?” Clark Howard, 19 Jan. 2021,

  3. Fiona Doull
    Professor Burns
    Blog 3, Question 2
    Part 1
    2020 has been a pivotal year in the world of streaming as well as in the success of original content brought to audiences by way of streaming services. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and vast political conflict, streaming services have acted as an escape from the world we are all living in. Since the pandemic, media consumers have also had far more time on their hands which explains the dependency upon streaming services. Streaming services are now acting as “video wellsprings for content-hungry consumers” (Nielsen). Audiences now look for more than just acquired television content, they are looking for original content that is sparking phenomena and is bringing in new viewers while still keeping the ones they already have.
    Original content can create a buzz and draw in a new audience. The two streaming services that are currently offering and developing the best original content are Netflix and HBO Max. According to the article “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped”, four out of five of the most-streamed original content from 2020 are brought to us by Netflix including: “Ozark”, “Lucifer”, “The Crown” and “Tiger King” (Nielsen). Netflix is also continuously releasing new original content such as Shonda Rhimes’ “Bridgerton” which was expected to reach 63 million in just 28 days, making it Netflix's fifth-biggest original release yet (Clark). Netflix has the unique ability to produce content at a rather rapid pace with a good set of materials allowing them to create solid original content while still hosting traditional series as well.
    The second streaming service that is developing and offering the best original television content is HBO Max. HBO Max is currently looking to add “attention-getting things” to their repertoire, one example being Superwoman (Goldberg). Now that so many streaming services are putting out original content, the streaming wars have become more intense than ever and a lot of it comes down to who can distribute the best original content. HBO has been described as a “star-maker” and those star-making shows end up streaming on HBO Max. HBO Max has a lot of upcoming original content they are releasing soon such as the “Sex and the City” reboot, a Batman spinoff, the “Gossip Girl” revival, and more. HBO Max’s original content has also reached new levels of recognition including the multiple Golden Globe nominations for “The Flight Attendant” (Otterson). According to an article from Business Insider, titled “How Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO Max and more compare in the amount of ‘exclusives’ and ‘originals’ they offer” written by Travis Clark, Netflix, and HBO Max host the most original content with Netflix having 790 originals and HBO Max having 190 (Clark). Netflix also leads streaming services in having 39% of its total content being originals and HBO Max again comes in second with 37% (Clark).

    1. Part 2 -
      I think the streaming services that could benefit from the creation of more original content are Hulu and Amazon Prime. Both of these services have original content, but nowhere near as much as competitors like Netflix and HBO Max. Hulu and Prime video are described as “the weak links in terms of the share of originals and exclusives” (Clark). Although Prime Video has the most content out of any service, original content could benefit them in many ways as it is often what audiences are looking for. This could also give them an edge over competition in the future.
      Although streaming has become a very large part of media consumption, I do not think streaming will replace linear television in the near future. However, I do think that linear television is certainly on the decline but I am not sure if it will fully disappear. I think linear television is experiencing a somewhat slow death, its high price and lack of advantages to streaming have a lot to do with this; consumers appreciate the easy format that streaming services provide. I believe the introduction of streaming has changed the way the television industry works and where it will go in the future. Will the linear television industry ever be fully pushed out, I am not fully sure, but I believe they are on their way out.

      Work Cited:
      Clark, Travis. “How Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO Max, and More Compare in the Amount of 'Exclusives' and 'Originals' They Offer.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 10 Feb. 2021,
      Clark, Travis. “Netflix's Top 10 Original TV Show Hits of All Time, Including 'Bridgerton' at No. 1.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 29 Jan. 2021,
      Goldberg, Lesley. “Why 'Sex and the City' Is Coming Back (and on HBO Max).” The Hollywood Reporter, 13 Jan. 2021,
      Otterson, Joe. “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up.” Variety, Variety, 4 Feb. 2021,
      “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped.” Nielsen, 1 Dec. 2021,

  4. Chris Giorgio

    Streaming is taking over the way we watch TV and it is moving fast. Since the creation of Netflix and Hulu many other streaming services have been created in order to compete and created the Streaming wars, now with companies like Disney and other media companies like ViacomCBS and more. During these wars streaming wars these companies started to create their own original content and have had some serious success, with the leaders being Dinsey plus and Netflix.

    Disney plus released its new original series “The Mandolorian” and according to Collider received multiple Emmy nominations and had tremendous success. Also the article mentions more original content soon to come from the Marvel and Star Wars studios. The article states, “In a preview of what was to come later in the call, Disney exec Kareem Daniel announced plans for 10 new Marvel shows and 10 new Star Wars shows at the top of Disney Investor Day. In addition to the plans for even more new Marvel and Star Wars content” (Collider). This puts Disney plus in a great position for the new year and hopefully can get some serious success with these new shows and content that fans have been waiting for. With owning both Marvel and Star Wars, Disney has a lot of expectations and hopefully they can keep these two great franchises going for years to come.

    Netflix has been always creating original content and plans to release more in 2021. Bridgeton has become a smash hit and according to business insider, “was watched by 82 million member households globally in its first 28 days (it debuted on Christmas), making it Netflix's biggest original series of all time.” This success is incredible for a original series and still has more to come. The creator of “Bridgeton”, Shanda Rimes, who also created “Greys Anatomy”, signed a mega deal to create for the platform, (BI) and is having some great success. Other new content soon to come includes “Malcom and Mare” featuring Emmy award winning actress Zendaya, “Firefly” with Katherine Higel, who was in grey’s Anatomy, and many other shows and movies (Toms Guide). These new creations with famous actors seems promising and I think they can prosper from this new wave of content and hopefully will be entertaining to watch.

    Both Netflix and Disney plus are very popular streaming services and are here to stay in the streaming wars. This new plan for content to come is a huge arsenal to release during the streaming wars and will make an impact that will last. New services are popping up and trying to jump in, but this defiantly puts these two ahead of the pack and will have a hold on the streaming industry for some time.

    Works Cited

    Woo, Kelly. “New on Netflix February 2021: Shows, Movies and Original Series.” Tom's Guide, Tom's Guide, 1 Feb. 2021,
    Clark, Travis. “Netflix's Top 10 Original TV Show Hits of All Time, Including 'Bridgerton' at No. 1.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 29 Jan. 2021,
    Gemmill, Allie, and Allie Gemmill (1466 Articles Published) . “Disney+ Says 10 New Star Wars Series and 10 New Marvel Shows Are Coming Soon.” Collider, 10 Dec. 2020,

  5. Corey Kremberg part 1
    TV has been dominating the game for years. To this day, some of the best shows I have watched were on cable. However, our generation has an odd split. We are the generation that grew up with TV and the birth of streaming. It seems each year streaming is pushing it’s boundaries. One of the most unique additions thus far has been the add on of TV styled content. It is one thing to have movies and shows scattered around. However, once you add on full TV shows that can have people stuck for hours, you are beginning to play in a different league. This is explained in good detail in the article “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up”. It explains how both HBO Max and Disney+ are making power moves and landing their first nominations from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. The article explains “Disney Plus picked up a nod for “The Mandalorian” in the best drama series category. HBO Max got two nominations, both courtesy of “The Flight Attendant:” one for the series in the best musical or comedy category, and another for star Kaley Cuoco for best actress in a musical or comedy series.” This is huge for streaming services. No longer can big TV companies throw shade at them for not being able to compete for the big awards. Also, these aren’t just some B list actors who were hired off the street. Kaley Cuoco starred in the show “The Big Bang Theory”. She already has a strong fan base which will only bring more numbers into the shows streams. Nevertheless, HBO Max and Disney+ are not the only two in this race. Netflix has also has been creating original shows themselves. In fact, I believe Netflix is actually underachieving. I think their numbers on these shows has been so great, that they should be creating more original content. An article by Insider called “Netflix’s Top 10 Original TV Show Hits of All Time, Including Bridgerton at No.1” explains this best. They explained within the article how they had recently broken some records of their own. “Netflix said this week that "Bridgerton" was watched by 82 million member households globally in its first 28 days (it debuted on Christmas), making it Netflix's biggest original series of all time.”

  6. Corey Kremberg Part 2
    Doing this once can be called lucky. However, Netflix seems to have a clear recipe for creating shows that stick. Two other giant shows Netflix specializes in are Tiger King and Stranger Things. Both these shows have a combined 128 million streams. These fan bases were not created from cable TV. This is all due to the new age of stream and watch. In fact, these numbers will only continue to shoot up as long as this pandemic lasts. This is further discussed in another article called “Will The Lockdown Kill Live TV” by Craig Hanks. This article was written predicting some of the outcomes that may happen by the end of Covid. The discussion of no sports was listed. Although sports did end up making a comeback, it still is not the same. Not only has viewership dropped, there’s just something about the energy in the games that seems off. For me, I think it is seeing and hearing the loud crowd. The crowd brings in more energy to games than I noticed. However, I did capture something from this article that could potentially put streaming services into the stars. The article mentions news “Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and all their affiliated side channels are seeing viewership spikes in 2020 thanks to basically an insane year for news.” If TV had any plus this year, it was the fact that so much happened in the world this past year that everyone watched the news at some point. However, what if streaming services like Hulu, HBO Max, and even Netflix provided their people with a 24/7 news stream? If they were able to get it on one of the biggest streaming platforms and brand it right, I think they could easily steal even more numbers from watching cable. All in all, streaming is not going anywhere anytime soon.

    Craig Hanks YouTube Channel Manager & Streaming Expert See all articles Nov 12, et al. “Will the COVID Lockdown Kill Live TV?”, 12 Nov. 2020,
    Clark, Travis. “Netflix's Top 10 Original TV Show Hits of All Time, Including 'Bridgerton' at No. 1.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 29 Jan. 2021,
    Otterson, Joe. “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up.” Variety, Variety, 4 Feb. 2021,

  7. Morgan Tencza

    The streaming wars is growing closer and closer every day as new powerhouses enter the race and current leaders are changing the experience for subscribers. With more and more platforms creating their own streaming services, original contenders are being forced to create their own content to supplement the lack of available content for purchase. However, original content production is proving to be a success for Netflix. With the success of exclusively released content, Disney+ is starting to join the race of original based content for their own platform, in addition to the hundreds of Disney movies and shows already available on the site.
    Of the names in streaming, Netflix is definitely the front runner of best original content. With 71 original films planned to be released throughout 2021, Netflix has shown its continued commitment to bring content to their subscribers as other streaming platforms begin to take their content away (Jarvey). According to Insider, “Netflix released more than 100 new TV shows in the last year, and has even more planned for 2021. So far, we know details on at least 13 upcoming series,” (Renfro). With the platform having so much content lined up, subscribers will have plenty to indulge in as quarantine continues to hinder the option to do much else with their time. The past year was rather kind to Netflix as their original TV shows brought in a lot of success, especially the likes of Bridgerton and Tiger King. Though vastly different, the two shows helped distract society from the world and allowed us to come together to analyze the show. I remember when Tiger King came out, I binged it three different times with three different people, wanting to experience their reactions to the crazy world of Joe Exotic. It was the talk of social media for weeks as people could not believe the ridiculousness behind the people on the show. Bridgerton was a completely different experience. Though it gave society another thing to talk about and enjoy, it was a drama that read like a good book. I could not stop myself from going “just one more episode.” If Netflix continues to produce the vastly different original content that social media will blow up, they will continue to be the king of the streaming wars.

    1. Part 2
      Almost immediately, Disney+ saw success. A platform to stream any Disney production ever made? It was a must-have for nostalgia and entertainment. I, as many others, took the time to rewatch movies of my childhood. The platform not only had traditional Disney movies, but Disney Channel original movies and shows, Marvel and Star Wars productions, and even live musicals. Even though there is an endless amount of content Disney has produced in the past, to be successful later down the line, Disney+ had to come up with a way to keep subscribers coming to the platform. Disney executive Kareem Daniel announced on Disney Investor Day 2020 that there were 10 Marvel shows and 10 Star Wars shows in the works that were to be released exclusively on Disney+ (Gemmill). The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars were two huge purchases by the Walt Disney Company that have proven to be a profit driver. The Marvel TV series WandaVision began streaming on Disney+ in January and has already seen great success. Unlike Netflix, Disney+ releases their episodes weekly. This has proven successful for the company as it, “keeps these shows in the conversation for longer,” according to Wade Payson-Denney, an insight analyst for Parrot Analytics (Mayberry). The Mandalorian, a TV show connected to Star Wars, has two seasons already released, has become a huge phenom for Star Wars nerds and casual fans alike. Creating TV shows that play into the film universe but made exclusively available for Disney+ subscribers is risky move but will no doubt bring Disney and the streaming platform a huge reward.

      Works Cited
      Gemmill, Allie. “Disney+ Says 10 New Star Wars Series and 10 New Marvel Shows Are Coming Soon.” Collider, 10 Dec. 2020,
      Jarvey, Natalie. “Netflix Tops 200 Million Subscribers Amid Pandemic.” The Hollywood Reporter, 19 Jan. 2021,
      Mayberry, Carly. “Disney+'s 'WandaVision' Cast Into Top Viewing Spot Worldwide.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 14 Feb. 2021,
      Renfro, Kim. “Netflix Has Announced 21 Brand New Shows Coming out in 2021 (so Far). See Them All Here.” Insider, Insider, 24 Jan. 2021,

  8. Katie Dansereau
    PART 1

    Currently, Disney+ and Netflix are paving the way for original streaming series. Netflix has always provided top quality (and wildly popular) originals on their streaming service. According to “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped”, Netflix was responsible for 9 out of 10 of the top streaming original series of 2020, with Disney+’s The Mandalorian with earning the fifth spot on the list (Nielsen). And the future of Netflix’s original series can be judged by Shonda Rhimes’ smash hit, Bridgerton. According to “Netflix's top 10 original TV show hits of all time, including 'Bridgerton' at No. 1”, Bridgerton was watched by 82 million households in its first 28 days, making it the biggest original series for Netflix yet (Clark). Because Netflix does not have massive intellectual properties to pull from for their originals, the service needs to work extra hard to deliver compelling originals that streamers will watch. They have succeeded with this in the past with smash hits like Tiger King, Stranger Things, and Ozark. Disney+ also has big plans for their original series, as seen with their two hits The Mandalorian and WandaVision, which capitalized on the popularity of intellectual properties such as Star Wars and Marvel. “Why 'Sex and the City' Is Coming Back (and on HBO Max)” highlights Disney+’s plans to have “nearly a dozen original Star Wars TV series and another dozen or so spinoffs from the multibillion-dollar Marvel Cinematic Universe” within the next few years to keep fans of the franchises invested in Disney+ (Goldberg). Just in terms of intellectual property, I’d say Disney+ has the upperhand in terms of streaming original series, as they have a built-in fan base for the IP the series is based off of. Netflix, on the other hand, works much harder to get people invested in their original series, as they often do not have the support of devoted fans.

    Newer streaming services such as Peacock and HBO Max should consider creating more original series to get users subscribed to the service. HBO Max has taken a page of Disney’s book and has announced a new Sex and the City original series and a Friends reunion (Goldberg). Using massively popular intellectual property for originals “provides the backbone of the service”, and streaming services find themselves in “the race for well-known properties with built in brand awareness” to maintain and grow their subscriber base (Goldberg). Peacock is also doing similar things with their original series, as first seen with their Saved by the Bell reboot. Both of these services will need to capitalize on more of their properties when creating originals if they want to compete with the likes of Disney and Netflix.

    1. Katie Dansereau
      PART 2

      With the massive rise of streaming over the past few years, it is entirely possible that linear TV is on its way out. In the future, I foresee people cutting the cord and having three or four streaming services. In Forbes’ “What’s The Future of TV?”, the flexibility and affordability are named as some of the top reasons for streaming’s rise to popularity (Morgan). The article notes that although streamers are overwhelmed with the growing number of services, on average Americans use three services for about $37 dollars a month (Morgan). I believe streamers will find a select few streaming services that they deem worth subscribing to, rather than paying a bill with a price comparable to a cable bill (Morgan). Overall, Morgan definitively states that “that the growth of streaming services is the downfall of traditional cable”, and when considering the explosive growth of streaming in general, I would have to agree with her.

      Clark, Travis. “Netflix's Top 10 Original TV Show Hits of All Time, Including 'Bridgerton' at No. 1.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 29 Jan. 2021,
      Goldberg, Lesley. “Why 'Sex and the City' Is Coming Back (and on HBO Max).” The Hollywood Reporter, 13 Jan. 2021,
      Morgan, Blake. “What's The Future Of TV?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 9 Dec. 2020,
      “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped.” Nielsen, 1 Dec. 2021,

  9. Alex Hazarian
    Part 1

    Streaming service providers are subscription-based and enable users to stream original series content, and television shows online. There are numerous factors to consider while evaluating a streaming service. The factors include the price, on-demand content, DVR storage, and most importantly, the user interface. While low prices attract customers, the ease of interaction with a particular streaming service may drive users to pay slightly more. However, the best streaming service combines all factors to give the users the best experience. The two best streaming services offering the best original series are Netflix and Hulu. Besides the fact that one might find themselves in bed all day watching Netflix, there are constant trending new releases. Recently, Netflix had one of the most-watched original series with 82 million within the first 28 days (Clark). The series, Bridgerton, is one of Netflix’s biggest series of all time. However, Netflix only counts views based on the number of people who showed interest, which means they watched for the first two minutes of the series. Other Netflix original series include Bird Box, orange is the new black, and stranger things. The list is long particularly and entertaining since Netflix categorizes the original series on demand for the user. Hulu also comes in as a close second. While Hulu is mainly famous for new content, particularly those that just aired live on television, it also has great original series. Series such as Handmaid’s tale, veronica mars, and little fires everywhere are some of the most epic Hulu original series (Buchi). Based on the customer’s history, Hulu recommends great original series, particularly for users trying to figure out what to watch next.

  10. Alex Hazarian
    Part 2

    Streaming services that can benefit more from creating more original content would be Amazon and Hulu. Amazon has offered great original series such as transparent and fleabag. However, it still lags on popularity on user priority regarding where to find original series. Compared to other streaming services, Amazon is among the cheapest with offline viewing. Subsequently, Amazon attracts many budget-conscious viewers. With this platform, Amazon could benefit the most from creating more original content. Hulu would also benefit massively. The service already attracts viewers due to its capability to deliver brand new episodes once they are aired live on television (Buchi). Shows such as the bachelor have made Hulu popular among users. With an already-present customer subscription base, the service would attract users who shift to other platforms to search original series. Streamers will eventually replace linear T.V. The year 2020 has provided the proof needed to know that streamers will ultimately replace linear T.V. Due to the pandemic in 2020, people spent most of their time indoors and had a lot of time watching T.V.(Schneider). However, as viewership in streaming services increased, Linear T.V. viewership eroded (Schneider). With most people at home, the viewership was expected to grow. Notably, this indicates that streamers are replacing linear T.V. is slowly. The inevitable decline can be attributed to the idea that viewers no longer expect to wait for a show to air when they can watch immediately they get the urge. The reasoning behind this conclusion is the same as the one used in live programming. Live programming has gained value due to immediacy. Streaming services have offered this value to users, which could see them replace linear T.V. entirely.

    Works Cited
    Buchi, Chantel. “Best Streaming Services 2021.”, 2021. Accessed 13 Feb. 2021.
    Clark, Travis. “Netflix’s Top 10 Original TV Show Hits of All Time, Including ‘Bridgerton’ At No. 1.” Business Insider, 2021. Accessed 13 Feb. 2021.
    Schneider, Michael. “Year in Review: Most-Watched Television Networks — Ranking 2020’s Winners and Losers.” Variety. Accessed 13 Feb. 2021.

  11. Nick Melanson
    Part 1

    The streaming wars is currently in full swing. With more and more cable users deciding to ‘cut the cord’ and switch to strictly streaming, the competition for users has never been higher. Major cable networks such as CBS and NBC have recently rolled out streaming services, but they’re still playing catch up with the likes of Netflix, Hulu, and Disney + in terms of viewership.

    I believe that Netflix and Disney + are developing the best original tv content. In 2019, Netflix ranked second in terms of the most popular streaming service only to YouTube (Stoll, US Leading Streaming). Netflix nearly doubled the viewership that Hulu had and blew Amazon Prime Video and Vimeo out of the water. What comes with higher viewership is more money, and what comes with more money is better quality shows and movies, which Netflix has done an excellent job of capitalizing on. A good way to evaluate which shows are the best is to simply count the number of accolades a show has won or been nominated for, such as Oscars or Emmy’s. Netflix original content has been nominated for an Academy Award a staggering 30 times, nearly 20 more than the next closest, Amazon. Of those 30 nominations, Netflix shows have won a total of 6, doubling the next highest, which again is Amazon (Stoll, Number of Oscar). Another way to rank streaming services original content is simply by the total number of viewers. Indie Wire did just that, and accumulated a list of the top 50 most streamed shows in streaming service history, and 5 of the top 10 were created by Netflix, with Netflix’s BoJack Horseman owning the top spot (Miller, Obenson, Travers, Nguyen, Greene, Hill, The 50 Best).

    Disney + is another streaming service that is currently creating the best original content. Disney recently acquired the rights to perhaps the two most lucrative film franchises in cinematic history in Star Wars and Marvel, and the company has already begun rolling out original content in the form of shows such as WandaVision and The Mandalorian, both of which have reached a staggering number of viewers and have been critically acclaimed. Disney + has a gold mine in those two respective franchises and have already made plans to release over 40 original shows over the next few years. If those shows are anywhere near as popular as WandaVision and The Mandalorian are, Disney + will surely threaten Netflix as the top spot in the streaming wars.

    CBS will benefit the most from creating original content and it all relates to Star Trek. CBS has the rights to Star Trek and has done very little with it. CBS is currently airing a show called Star Trek: Discovery, which was a massive disappointment, as the pilot episode drew in an abysmal 1.2 million viewers (Porto, Star Trek). The show is also on the brink of being cancelled, which is a far cry from how incredibly successful the franchise was decades ago. CBS could create a big budget original Star Trek series with great writing and market it as the bell cow for their new streaming service Pluto.

    1. Nick Melanson
      Part 2

      I think that streamers will eventually replace linear TV. The price for cable tv is simply getting way too high, and with all of the content that streaming services have to offer and at a price that is significantly lower than a cable subscription, it makes the most sense. Plenty of cable packages also require you to pay for channels that you don’t even want. My parents have actually been talking about switching to streaming, but the only thing holding them back is WIFI problems and the news. My father works for the DPW and plows during snowstorms, so if the WIFI were to ever drop out and he couldn’t watch the news on a streaming service, it would not be good.

      Miller, Liz Shannon, et al. “The 50 Best Streaming TV Shows of All Time.” IndieWire, IndieWire, 26 Aug. 2019,

      Porto, Chad. “Star Trek: Discovery Scores Low Ratings for CBS amid Uncertain Future.” Redshirts Always Die, FanSided, 26 Sept. 2020,

      Stoll, Julia. “U.S. Leading Streaming Video Platforms by Monthly Average Users 2019.” Statista, 13 Jan. 2021,,with%20just%20under%2026.5%20million.

      Stoll, Julia. “Number of Oscar Nominations and Wins for Original Content Titles on Streaming Services 2019.” Statista, 13 Jan. 2021,

  12. Gina Auletta
    Part One

    Streaming services have been taking over the media industry in recent years and are facing tough competition with one another. Media consumers have become reliant on streaming services since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic as they are forced to stay inside and seek out entertainment form within their homes. In fact, according to the Nielson “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped,” “the aftermath reflects a permanently altered media landscape, with video streaming accounting for a larger share of overall media consumption than in previous years.” In other words, it is clear that streaming has taken over the television industry and will likely continue to do so in the upcoming years. Original content has become the most watched form of content on popular streaming services as it can bring comfort to audiences and act as an escape from this tough year that the whole world is experiencing. Between all of the top streaming services, I believe that Netflix and Disney+ offer, or are developing, the best original television series content. The Nielsen streaming unwrapped chart displays top streaming original content of 2020. The data clearly shows that among the top SVOD providers, Netflix and Disney+ take the highest rankings. Netflix covers nearly the whole chart with original series like ‘Ozark’, ‘Lucifer’, ‘The Crown’, and ‘Tiger King’, while Disney+ ranks number five with ‘The Mandalorian’ (Nielsen). On top of this, Netflix has several original hits on the platform which reached millions of households within their first months including ‘The Witcher’ season one at 76 million, ‘La Casa de Papel (Money Heist) season four at 65 million, and ‘Stranger Things’ season three at 64 million. The service also projects that television producer, Shonda Rhimes’ new series ‘Bridgerton’ will be watched by 63 million households in its first 28 days of release (Clark). Besides Netflix’s success regarding original content, Disney+ has released several hits and is in the process of developing many more. For instance, the streaming service announced plans for multiple new Marvel and Star Wars shows to launch on top of the recent success that ‘The Mandalorian’ has brought with its multiple Emmy nominations for its first season (Gemmill). According to Collider, “This push to add even more content from these corners of the Disney empire means fans can expect to see these respective cinematic and television universes grow their stories exponentially. It’s also a harbinger of Disney’s big-picture plans as it hopes to become a more formidable presence in original content production” (Gemmill). Clearly, Disney+ is working hard to compete with top streaming services like Netflix to bring the best original content to audiences.

    1. Gina Auletta
      Part Two

      On the other hand, I feel that Hulu and Amazon Prime would benefit from creating more original content. Hulu has released some original content that brought success like ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ which won several Emmy’s, however, since then, the service has not produced many original hits. The service also does not have “the original film output of Netflix or Amazon” (Frank, et al.). In other words, the service would likely benefit from producing more original content, specifically original films, much like that of Netflix. Additionally, Amazon Prime has released several original hits like ‘Fleabag’ but not on the same level as Netflix or Disney+. As Vox put it, “As for TV, when an Amazon original TV show is good, it’s really, really good” (Frank, et al.). So, there is no question as to whether Amazon Prime should release more original content because clearly when they do, it works and it could only help them to compete with other streaming services. Overall, I do not think that streamers will eventually replace linear TV. I feel that streaming will continue to be a complementary/supplemental service for the majority of Americans – especially those of older age who are more likely to tune into traditional media.

      Works Cited

      Clark, Travis. "How Netflix's 'Bridgerton' Compares to the Streaming Giant's Biggest Original TV Show Hits." Business Insider 5 Jan. 2021.

      Frank, Allegra., Wilkinson, Alissa., VanDerWerff, Emily., and Abad-Santos, Alex., “The Best and Worst of the Biggest Streaming Services.” Vox, Vox, 29 May 2020,

      Gemmill, Allie. "Disney+ Says 10 New Star Wars Series and 10 New Marvel Shows Are Coming Soon," Collider 10 Dec. 2020

      "Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped," 12 Jan. 2021.

  13. Stephen Halvatzis
    I think that there are clearly two streaming services that provide the best original TV series content. The two streaming services that lead in publishing the best content are HBO Max and Disney +.
    HBO Max have taken a very unorthodox approach to earn this title. They are among the top streamers now because of new shows like the Mandalorian that are charting well in today's ratings. (Otterson). Although they have new shows and movies that are developed by HBO/Warner that have been released recently, I believe they are considered one of the top original content streamers because of shows that were released long ago. Coming from personal experience, I have watched a lot of HBO shows that have been on my bucket list since the pandemic we're in has started, and I know many others have followed. Shows like Entourage, the Sopranos and The Wire are some of the most popular and highly regarded shows in the 21st century, and their viewership remains highly consistent despite these shows concluding long ago. HBO's success before the streaming wars started is one of the reasons I believe they are winning the streaming wars right now.

    1. Part 2
      I think Disney + is another leader in the streaming wars because of the same formula that HBO Max is using. The content that they published and still own today from our childhood is still a hit amongst subscribers and it is helping them pave the way to explore more content creation. Similar to HBO, they are able to produce new content that replicates the success of previous titles. The release of the show The Mandalorian, directed by Jon Favreau has showed great numbers for the streaming service thus far and it is relatively new and will only see more and more attention with its Emmy nominations providing more praise for the show and Disney +. The release of The Mandalorian make them a direct competitor with Netflix as the top streaming services. (Nielsen) According to reports, Disney + plans on releasing new Marvel content in the near future that will almost undoubtedly put them ahead of Netflix as the top streaming service.
      I think that one streaming service that can improve their content creation is Netflix. Although Netflix is still in the discussion as the top streaming service, they have trended down recently. HBO Max has taken titles like Friends away from them, other high grossing shows like Dexter were removed completely and other streaming services like Disney + have shown a potential to own and produce more content in the near future. Netflix has done well by purchasing titles from networks and developing future seasons of their shows (You, Fuller House). They have also done well with developing original shows of their own like Ozark and Stranger Things, but they must try to purchase back popular show titles in order to continue to compete with the top streaming services.

      It seems to me that right now, we are at the peak of the streaming wars and that streaming may become the primary way of viewing new television content. The times have definitely changed from the hype and anticipation of a show title releasing a new episode on live television. With titles being published on Netflix that are original content, seasons are posted in their entirety. Aside from television streaming, other television programming like movies, news and sports are now accessible through streaming, making it more likely that streaming will overtake live television service providers as the primary way of accessing TV.

      *note* in Part 1 I meant Flight Attendant, not The Mandalorian

      Gemmill, Allie, and Allie Gemmill (1466 Articles Published) . “Disney+ Says 10 New Star Wars Series and 10 New Marvel Shows Are Coming Soon.” Collider, 10 Dec. 2020,
      Otterson, Joe. “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up.” Variety, Variety, 4 Feb. 2021,
      “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped.” Nielsen, 1 Dec. 2021,

  14. matt gallo

    I would say without a doubt the two streaming services that provide the best original series content is far and away HBO Max and Disney+. Some of the classics from HBO include The Sopranos, Westworld, Hard Knocks, and Game Of Thrones. Some of what makes these originals so great is their target audience and demographics. All of these shows have the potential to reach such a wide audience and create more viewership and subscribers for HBO. Some of the genres they include on their originals are sports, reality, docuseries, comedy, and drama. Streaming services should look to offer more quality content under these wide arrays of genres to increase their overall viewership. Another streaming service with elite originals is Disney+. Disney provides so many classics like as Toy Story, Cars, Monsters Inc., paired with the things such as the Star Wars and the entire Marvel series, puts them miles ahead of their competitors. A ton of households with younger children most likely subscribe to Disney+ and they are only looking to improve from here. In an article by the Collider reporter Allie Gemmill claims Disney+ is aiming to add 10 new Star Wars series and 10 new Marvel shows. Given the fact that a majority of that specific content is movies, having shows could spice up the number of viewers. According to the article some of the Marvel shows and movies we could potentially see very soon is a new series with Samuel L. Jackson, The Fantastic Four, a brand-new Iron-Man, and even a She-Hulk (Gemmill, Collider). One of the shows that has already premiered is WandaVision which is setting the tone for the entire new Marvel series.
    When looking at the article by Variety, they discuss the winners and losers of viewership for the year of 2020. Some of the winners from this past year include Cable news networks. The writer mentioned why the ratings skyrocketed up when he said, “No surprise, as the election, pandemic and movement for racial justice gave audience plenty of reason to tune in. And they did: Fox News was up 43%, MCNBC climbed 23%, and CNN jumped 83%”(Schneider, Variety). As cable as a whole continues to decline, news networks will always be a top of the viewership leaderboard. Given to account my personal experience, the news was on so much more than usual in my household the last eight months. People are home and looking for something to attach to and the news has been a great outlet for that.

    1. pt 2

      Some of the losers of 2020 viewership ratings were premium networks that offer streaming services. Schneider wrote, “Without ‘Game Of Thrones’ HBO saw more than half of its adults 18-49 disappear in 2020” (Variety). I believe in the future we will continue to see networks with major streaming platforms will see their viewership decline on cable. I think a streaming service that would benefit from more originals would be Netflix. While they do include a lot of their originals, I believe that other streaming platforms offer better ones. A lot of the Netflix originals come off as corny or not well written, and as the most known streaming platform they should produce better content. Lastly, I do strongly agree that streamers will eventually replace linear TV in the future. It is too early to tell how long it will take, but the way networks has the ability to profit off streaming services, and the crazy prices of cable I do believe down the road streaming will become king. In an article on, it showcases the cheaper prices of streaming networks compared to cable. Michael Timmerman states, “Based on that $107 monthly average, you can sign up for any of the base streaming TV services above and save $40 a month or more” (Clark). My parents made the switch to YouTube TV, and we have enjoyed it a lot. It is a lot cheaper at $65 a month and can have it at your fingertips wherever you go on a firestick. We saw how much virtually our world has changed in the last 8 months; I cannot imagine what it looks like 10 years from now.

      Gemmill, A. (2020, December 10). Disney+ to Add 10 New Star Wars Series and 10 New Marvel Shows. Collider.

      Schneider, Michael. “Year in Review: Most-Watched Television Networks - Ranking 2020's Winners and Losers.” Variety, Variety, 28 Dec. 2020,

      Timmermann, M. (2021, January 19). Cable vs. Streaming: Does Cutting the Cord Really Save You Money? Clark Howard.

  15. Caleb Wood
    Blog Post 3
    Part 1
    In year’s past when looking at which streaming site offered the most original content, the answer easily would have been Netflix. However, now that we are in the height of the streaming wars, Netflix has a lot of competition. I would still rank Netflix among the top streaming sites, but now platforms such as Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, and HBO Max must be considered too. I believe much of Disney Plus’ success comes from their focus on making original content, not just for theatrical release, but with their new platform in mind. Of course their massive library of film and TV have certainly been a major factor, but their originals have brought in a good number of subscribers from older demographics. They also have announced over fifty new projects for film, TV, Marvel, and Star Wars (Gemmill). This is a massive amount of content and will attract many new subscribers, not just fans of Marvel and Star Wars. HBO Max is another newcomer to the streaming wars, but despite being new, it must be ranked along with the well established platforms like Netflix and Hulu. During the short time since HBO’s launch, they have established that they plan on being a top contender and proved that by picking up two Golden Globe nominees this year (Otterson). These nominations both are for their series, “The Flight Attendant,” but many of their other originals have also garnered much attention.

  16. Caleb Wood
    Part 2

    Their Emmy award winning Euphoria is definitely another reason why HBO Max has seen such success during their first year. HBO has always been known for creating content at this high of a level, but now they simply just have a centralized platform for their content. With these two originals they have proven they are the same old HBO and will continue to produce television content that is superior to others. As these streaming platforms look to overcome one another, streaming as a whole is looking to overcome linear television. While many people, myself included, see streaming as something that will take over linear within the next few years, Adrienne Maxwell of the New York Times believes this process will take much longer than we think. Maxwell argues that in order to completely cut the cord, viewers must give some things up with their viewing experience and it isn’t necessarily any cheaper (Maxwell). Maxwell does make a good argument, but I don’t agree with her based on my own experience. Maxwell details how cable replacements like Sling or Youtube TV have some appeal, but can’t replicate the experience of cable (Maxwell). However, I would argue that is a good thing. The reason so many people are cutting the cord is because they don’t want cable, so paying for an alternative that is identically is illogical. Through my own experience I have felt that Youtube TV is the perfect amount of traditional TV, while still remaining completely different. Since subscribing over quarantine I watched every football, basketball, or baseball game I wanted to, and they have live shows such as This is Us, which Maxwell discusses. This paired with streaming sites is on demand and has everything I would want and more from a cable provider. However, as Maxwell discusses, this brings in the problem of money. Streaming has always been marketed as more cost efficient than cable, but some feel that it will be hard to keep costs down with a system where viewers are subscribing to a plethora of platforms. One site may be cheaper than cable, but when you begin subscribing to more and more sites, the pricing may begin to even out. While this is definitely true, and a valid point, but I feel as though the majority do not deal with this. In my family, and I predict the same in other larger families, we all pay for certain streaming sites, but share them all together. Between my parents and my siblings we subscribe to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, ESPN PLus, and Youtube TV. Now if all of these prices were to be combined then it may possibly be comparable to cable prices, but split between a family of five and the price is hardly felt to have access to nearly anything you could want. So, despite Maxwell’s point of view on streaming, I see it as something that will completely take over linear within the next five years.

    Gemmill, Allie. “Disney+ Says 10 New Star Wars Series and 10 New Marvel Shows Are Coming Soon.” Collider, 10 Dec. 2020.
    Maxwell, Adrienne. “Streaming TV May Not Be the Cable Replacement You Hoped For.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 20 May 2019.
    Otterson, Joe. “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up.” Variety, Variety, 4 Feb. 2021.

  17. Hayley Cuttitta
    Original content is something all users love to see. It is different and fun and gives a streaming service more opportunity to prove their worth. It is really important for streaming companies to put out original content, especially right now during the pandemic. Many people are constantly looking for new shows to watch, and sometimes the originals offered are really great. As things start to open up more and summer approaches, it is also important that streaming services are offering content that will keep users interested in their services. Jeff Prince of Indiana University and Shane Greenstein of Harvard wrote in a story for the Harvard Business Review that, “Offering original content can be one important way that streaming services can differentiate their offerings from competitors” which makes the content key right now because of the streaming wars (Marino-Nachison). The two streaming services that offer and are developing the best original TV series content right now are Netflix and HBO Max. A few of Netflix’s best and most popular originals that are highly ranked are Ozark, Lucifer, The Crown, Tiger King, The Umbrella Academy, and YOU (Nielsen). One popular original on Netflix that we all often hear about is the new original show Bridgerton. These shows are streamed constantly and very popular all over. Netflix does a great job when it comes to offering riveting original content that keeps users wanting more. HBO Max is also another great streaming service that offers original content and is continuing to develop original TV content. As of Feb. 3rd, 2021, HBO Max was nominated twice in the Golden Globes both for the original show “The Flight Attendant” (Otterson). I believe that Netflix and HBO Max will most likely stay the most popular streaming services that offer original content. I think two streaming services that would benefit from creating more original content are Hulu and Disney +. Hulu is definitely very far behind from where Netflix is when offering originals. Some shows that are offered on Netflix that end at a specific season on TV are then offered by Hulu as the episodes come out which is a great option, but they lack the originality. Users greatly enjoy the original content put out by Netflix and it draws us all in to use the service even more. Disney + offers a few originals as well, but in order to become more popular for this, they need to offer more. Streamers will probably keep linear TV, as many people have gotten rid of cable and still enjoy having the opportunity to watch these shows through the streaming services. I think that they will maintain mostly how they are now offering a variety of original content as well as old and new shows that are not originals.

    Marino-Nachison, David. Streaming Video: Original Content Is the Hook, Barrons, 25 Apr. 2018,

    Nielsen, “Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped.” Nielsen, 1 Dec. 2021,

    Otterson, Joe. “Golden Globe Nominations: Disney Plus, HBO Max Break in as Streaming Wars Heat Up.” Variety, Variety, 4 Feb. 2021,


Media Trends Blog 8, Question 1 (Thursday, April 15th)

What do you think is the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having the biggest impact on both professional...